10 تقييم ratings

اول مره اجرب البيتي فور بتاعهم . بس طعمه حلو اوي .

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المكان : nino's في شارع مصدق في الدقي جنب لابوار المكان صغير و حلو اوي و الديكور و الألوان مبهج جدا يعني بالنسبة للجريمة دي تورتة ريد فيفلت الكيك و الكريمة بتدوب في البوق و معمولة بطريقة تفتح النفس اصلا بس محتاجة تكونو اكتر من 2 اكيلة عشان تخلصو...

مفيد 0

They are very helpful staff, they did everything I asked for and made it possible to celebrate the Birthday,,,if you're having a Birthday soon don't hesitate and just go on they will make you happy Thanks nino's ????????????????

مفيد 0

Ordered this customized minion cake through Instagram and didn't expect such a great outcome and punctuality in delivery...Thanks Nino's so much

مفيد 0

That was tasty! I suggest the jars!

مفيد 0

amazing desserts from ninos

مفيد 0

Best cupcakes in Cairo!! orders delivered on time and with the best quality.. this bakery will definitely grow bigger in C-town! Keep it up

مفيد 0

Awesomeness and Beyond, you will totally enjoy these desserts, they are truly made from the heart :)

مفيد 0

Best bakery ever and most beutiful cakes, cupcakes, brownies and donuts.

مفيد 0

Best innovative and quality desserts, defkmetely not just another home-based bakery!

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