167 تقييم ratings

السلطة اتسببتلي في نزلة معوية عانيت منها لمدة اسبوع حسبي الله ونعم الوكيل فيكم بجد بالتاكيد الخضار المستخدم مكنش نضيف اول مرة اطلب من عندكم واخر مرة عمري في حياتي ما هكررها

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الاكل بيجي من غير شوك اكتر من مرة طيب اكله ازاي

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I’m not sure why do we have to add the avocados in the salad if it’s not edible so just to justify the price? I would recommend weather to use ripe avocados or just remove it as it was like bitter stones, so dissatisfying

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The worst ever. Order never delivered after waiting 4 hours. They deducted my money and closed. Asked me to order through Talabat

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I ordered grilled chicken meal and you brought me mushroom meal?

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I was afraid from reviews but to be honest the experience was great I’ll repeat it again isA

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the spinach was great and the chicken basil was delicious arrived hot and well packed

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Food quality was so good and taste was great, the only thing that I didn't like is vegetable soup other than that the food was great

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سلطة التونة بالمكرونة جاية حمضانة!!! ايه القرف ده والله

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