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596 تقييم

the chicken in the sandwich is undercooked and with skin on!! skin was so slummy and thick! 1st time I eat a fried chicken sandwich with skin on!!
Food was extremely cold, i just received a sandwich of oily crunch with the thinnest chicken ever I literally threw the food as is in the garbage. Its the worst experience ever and doesn’t deserve a penny
دفعت تمن الاوردر مقدما و الاوردر مجاش و ضربو عليه ، مطعم بدون صفحه و لا رقم هاتف و لا عنوان ، مطعم غير حقيقي
The chicken was less than every time and the food was not hot and fresh and it wasn’t sealed some one open it before me
Arrived very cold, it doesn’t help that they put the cold drink in between the hot food, it should be separate
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