776 Reviews ratings

The food was not as hot

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الاكل وصل متأخر (بسبب تأخر المطعم في التجهيز) ووصل بارد جدًا الميلك شيك سيء جدًا جدًا الساندويتشات طعمها كويس بس الحجم صغير

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The burgers were not as expected at all, it was cold, dry, and didn’t taste fresh. They put very minimal sauce inside the sandwich and there was a drink missing from the order with the share box.

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Food was late and came cold although restaurant was only 1km away from my place.

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your name should be bad guy not good guy

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very very bad one more time never again from your restaurant

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very very bad experience for the second time, order came late and cold uneatable and the delivery guy said it s the restaurant who was late and when we call customer service you complain and they don t take action so they don t care about anything! V...

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Food tasted good and delivery time was good, but the order came very cold and without any forks/cutlery.

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First and last time The order arrived after 2 hrs because of a technical problem at the restaurant!! البطاطس تحولت شفافة من كتر ما شربت زيت! تخيل نضغط عليها تنقط زيت!!!! (اترمت طبعاً) الساندويتش جاي "بارد" مش دافي حتى! و مزيت جداً(الحاجة الوحيدة الل...

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The order arrived after 2 hrs because of a technical problem at the restaurant!! الاكل بقى البطاطس تحولت شفافة من كتر ما شربت زيت تضغط عليها تنقط زيت!!!! (اترمت طبعاً) الساندويتش جاي بارد و مزيت برضو جداً(الحاجة الوحيدة اللي اتاكلت من الجوع) الصو...

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Food was cold and beef bacon was very chewy

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The food was cold and the chicken sandwich only was a chicken strip , the sandwich was too small and i found a hair in my fries😣

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باكل برجر حجارة وبطاطس مهروسة

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الاوردر وصل متأخر وبارد وطعم سيء جدا

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الاكل كان بارد جدا و طعمة مش حلو اول مره الاكل يكون كده

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البرجر مزيت قوي وتقيل والبصل كان محتاج يتسوى اكتر

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Buffalo sandwich was good but the mushroom burger was below average

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some things didn’t come as ordered

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