60 تقييم ratings

رايي الشخصي الطعم حلو جدا و الطيار شخص محترم و ذوق جدا و لكن الكمية في الصور مختلفة عن الواقع

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all was good, yet I paid for mayonnaise packet that didn't come with the order

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the beef ones was so good but the chicken wasn't that good it was so basic and even not that much worth it and all of the sandwiches are kinda small and not enough for one person and i don't understand why just one large fries with four sandwiches

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الاكل بارد جداً ودي للمرة التانيه

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الاكل بارد و البيبسي ساخن

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ممتاز جدا انا لسه طالب اوردر اول مره اشوف زيه في حياتي

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