2915 تقييم ratings

عملت الاوردر الساعة ٥ وصلي ٧ و نص !!! الطيار كلمته مش عارف العنوان و مش عارف يستعمل اللوكيشن

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Order was late by 35 minutes, kids slept before the order arrival, I ordered Pepperoni pizza with extras cheese, I received with vegetables, olives and mushrooms!!!!! Very poor response from Elmenus chat Centre as well, good to know the quality of yo...

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بسبب التاخير البيتزا كانت بارده و بالتالي الطعم سيء

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مش وحشة ومش حلوة عادي

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horrible, undercooked pizza with poor quality ingredients.dough is too sweet. what's worse is that they sent coca cola when on the menu they mentioned a drink that doesn't support genocide

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Restaurant fashellllll w delivery alil el zo2 w 5ad el ba2i w marag3oush

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one of the best Egyptian pizzerias

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الصلصة المرة دي في البيتزا اقل من ابمتوقع و الحشو أقل

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البيتزا لذيذه ،،،لكن خبز بالثوم والجبنه مافيش فيه طعم الثوم ولا زبده فقط جبنه مش لذيذ

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Food was late because the driver was trying to avoid the order and put it on another driver. It also wasn't the first incident of this kind, so it forces an obvious question here. Do the drivers not know the Job nature? Thanks for the cold food.

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الاوردر وصل بعد الوقت المحدد بنص ساعة تقريبا والاكل جيه بارد شوية وبصراحة مكنش قد كده يعني كان فيه في بيتزا الرانش ريحة زفارة ومكنتش حلوة اوي

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They got the wrong pizza and the delivery driver was very rude and clueless

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اى كلام و مفيهاش جبنه و العجينه على قدها

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Order was canceled without informing me on time

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Driver was very unprofessional and rude and called a lot asking for location

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The pizza was cold and really bad, terrible quality for the price too, it is not cheap.

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تأخير غير طبيعي والأكل بارد جدا

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البيتسا كان ممكن تكون حلوة لو سخنة لكن للاسف وصلتنى باردة مثلجة و ده معناه عدم استخدام حقيبة حفظ الحرارة

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