323 Reviews

I recieved one of the cups totally spilled The cups wrapping is awful The sandwich with greens(salad) recieved without couvre am I supposed to eat it with my hand The delivery is rude
واحد من اسوء التجارب بيتاخروا جدا في الوقت الاكل لما طلبنا كان ممتوب نص ساعة و يوصل و صل بعد اكتر من ساعتين و الاكل كان اقل من المتواضع
وقت التوصيل اخد نصف ساعه زياده الاكل جوده وحشه انا طلبت نفس الاوردر اكتر من مره كل مره الجوده بتكون سيئه اول مره كان تحفه
Deliver man was rude and told me that he arrived before he arrives by 10-15 mins and he didn’t have change
small cup and pretending this is the large one! 50 LE for a small cup ( not the usual large cup I buy from la poire). the cup is only half full!! no sealing! the driver could easily drink the coffee! horrible experience and will never do it again!
The coffee wasn’t really hot
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